What you seek is seeking you --RUMI

My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh,

I believe good things come to those who wait and happy endings are for the patient ones. I'm very hopeful you are somewhere, and that it's just a matter of time before we are finally ready for our paths to cross!

Before you commence reading my detailed and lengthy profile, please be mindful that time is precious and limited for us all. Practice of Deen is very important to me but I'm also down to earth normal too (well maybe that depends). Some profiles barely have any description - without a clue of who you are I won't be able to find you. My profile is long but serves to filter out unsuitable matches...or put you to sleep in the process. (Or both!)

I am a divorced mum of 3 children. What I have experienced has shaped me but doesn't define me. I'm down to earth, kind and very loving. I have done well academically but decided I want to focus my time and efforts in raising my children when they were younger. Give me the choice to work or not and I'd probably say no to working. I like the idea of working on ventures with my husband.

I have a passion for languages and enjoy being creative - anything from baking, painting, upcycling to writing poetry.

I'm not materialistic or arrogant, and strongly dislike such people. I have an eye for style and like to dress well and modestly. I'm house proud too - love making a house feel like a home. LOVE getting bargains from charity shops and turning unloved items into much loved treasures!

My Deen is extremely important to me and keeps me going and grounded. We should all be aspiring to become better versions of ourselves. My better half will be an inspiration for me and will gladly support me in this - and vice versa :) Spouses often bring out the best in us but also have the potential to bring out the worst! Our characters are being perfected though. So I'm seeking a patient, committed travel companion on this journey through life...to the next, insha'Allah.

Alhamdulillah wa shukru lillah I've been fortunate enough to go on Umrah a few times, and Hajj in 2019 with my siblings. I've also lived abroad in Fez when I was a student which was one of the best experiences of my life. Have been to a few others countries too and would love to see more of the world with my beloved husband.

I'm spiritually inclined and celebrate Mawlid. I have to mention it as some here are clearly too proud of not adhering to this Islamic tradition. (How can one not celebrate the reason for being a Muslim and guided to Islam in the first place? How can one not increase in thankfulness and praise, especially at these times?) Please, only message if what I say resonates.

None of us are here to waste anyone's time, yet we are all searching for our needle in the haystack. Or as I've began to say... Our fish in the sea! It's an ocean out here. Just want my catch to present himself to me now on a silver platter! Just kidding... any plate will do! If you think it could be you please reach out I'm waiting to hear from you.

I pray that we all find/are found by our soulmate who is best for our Deen, Dunya and Aakhira, Ameen :)

(I have no idea if I'm searching for you in the right place... Perhaps you may be searching in the wrong place too and may just see this? Who knows! We're all in the same boat trying to be hopeful hey!

...Btw, I'm an INFJ. How about you? :)

"Between what is said and not meant,
And what is meant and not said,
Most love is lost".

- Khalil Gibran

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What I Am Looking For
I am looking for peace and happiness.... with someone kind, loving and genuine. A lover of Allah and His Rasool (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam). A lover of Qur'an. A lover of the pious. A really really decent human being and Muslim. Someone who brings calm, comfort and companionship to my weary soul.

It would be great if you have good knowledge and practice of the Deen. I want to be able to take inspiration from you, to become better and do better always... not be dragged down or drag us both down.

Being multilingual would be lovely as I'm fascinated by languages and words. They are a doorway to another people, another culture. Proficiency in Arabic is a bonus as is being a hafiz, because I love the idea of being with someone who loves the Qur'an and is deeply connected to it.

I would like my spouse to be intelligent, hardworking and very considerate. Being witty and playful is also important as is being willing to be helpful around the home e.g. cooking and good with children, a role model for us all. There must be mutual physical attraction and a soulful connection too.

Someone who is accepting of a woman with 3 children. Non-judgemental, sweet and humble! Just want someone sincere and good hearted to call my own and be my best friend and rock.

I know it seems an awful lot to get in one package... but these are qualities I'd love to have in a husband....and am praying for.

(I may block anyone I really feel is not a match for me or vice versa. I'm sorry it may seem rude, but it's simply because I don't want to waste time speaking only to state it's not a match. So you are warned. Perhaps a good catch will slip the net. But only what is meant to be will ever be caught! :)

I'm very clear about what I'm looking for and don't want to speak to anyone arrogant or who thinks they're doing me a favour considering me with 3 kids. I don't want to be a second wife either or be with anyone who has no time or desire to invest in really getting to know me. I don't want superficial anything. I value real, raw, authentic, pure, vulnerable, genuine, humble, kind connection. Only approach me if you feel my words resonate with you.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
I have three children
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United Kingdom
My Height
1.50m (4' 11")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?